Each year, Opal Creek Ancient Forest Center offers scholarship placements in all of our Backpacking Expeditions. We believe this program provides an incredible opportunity for people to immerse themselves in wilderness, sleep under the stars and summit peaks, challenge themselves, and build long-lasting memories with new friends.
We know historical and current barriers exist that keep many youth and adults from accessing these and other outdoor experiences. Outdoor spaces have not always been welcoming places for all people.
Through our scholarship program, we are working to introduce people of all backgrounds to the thrill of backcountry camping.
Scholarship placement is based on available funding, program space, and eagerness, enthusiasm, and interest in attending a Backpacking Expedition. Scholarships are dedicated to these communities:
- Financial barriers to tuition; and/or
- Black, Indigenous, People of Color
- People with disabilities (physical and/or intellectual)
Priority is given to those who submit a request form before January 31st, though we encourage all to apply and awards will be given as funding becomes available.
We offer sliding scale scholarship awards. A quick self assessment test will determine how much funding you may be eligible to receive, with the submission of a request form. Our sliding scale could cover 15% to 100% of expedition costs!
Please contact us at expeditions@opalcreek.org or (503)892-2782, ext 1.
Opal Creek Ancient Forest Center operates under a special-use permit for the Willamette, Deschutes and Ochoco National Forests, the Malheur National Forest, the Umatilla National Forest, and the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest from the US Forest Service and an Oregon outfitter guide permit from the Oregon State Marine Board. We are an equal opportunity outdoor recreation service provider.